Wednesday, October 15, 2008


What's crackin'? We here at R&B City would first like to apologize to the readers here. School has started back and everything is coming back full circle, which means myself and MB don't have the time that we use to for us to update the blog as much. BUT!, we aren't closing the site! We will do our best to bring you all the news you crave from your favorite stars. On to a more brighter subject...

We hope everyone has registered to vote for the upcoming November 4th Presidential Election. We also hope you all have kept an eye out on the previous debates from the two presidential hopefuls-Barack Obama (D) & John McCain (R), and also from the potential VP's, Joe Biden & Sarah Palin. TONIGHT is the last and final debate between Obama and McCain, so make sure you tune in! We will have the video from tonight's debate up soon..

1 comment:

Chammy said...

All Mccain did in the last debate was just attack Obama. He needs to stfu

OBAMA 08!!